Qi - in traditional Chinese culture, qi or chi is a vital force forming part of any living entity. The practice of cultivating and balancing qi is called qigong. Similar concepts such as Prana or Mana were upheld in other regions. However, these have not been exclusive to Asian cultures.
The equivalent forces in our regions, often called harmonia, гармония, стройность, лад,
созвучие, благозвучие,
by no means younger, were once the key to vitality and high vibration living by our ancestors.
The living with Harmonia became exclusive to only some members as the history tended towards the new order. The privileged ones were druids and shamans several centuries back and ever fewer as the time progressed till modern day.
Harmonia is a combination of the inseparable two: state of the middle (the centre) and dynamics or flow. It yields great improvements in all aspects of one's life such as the state of fitness and health, relationship condition as well as work effectiveness or thought and purpose clarity.
We are fortunate to have masters who have worked with Qi, (through qigong or chikung) & Harmonia for two decades and experience in passing it on to others over the recent years. The rewards and benefits of living with Harmonia are numerous and varied. However, we stress that it is our intention and condition that the people use it wisely and only for good purposes.
Here are just a few recent examples of areas of life that Harmonia helped in;
- neuroskeletal ailments
- marriage relationship
- psychological state
- oncological condition
- stress
- archery
- financial planning
There is no aspect of human's life that incorporation of Harmonia could not mend. The limit could only be drawn by the mind, therefore, the state of openess is cruicial and supplemental.
Workshops are carried out for people who wish to implement or improve the balance of qi, ch'i or Harmonia in their lives (qi gong). Such wish is plainly an expression of love for life and a will of self improvement. Sessions will help elevating awareness, health, attitude, living standard and resolving the emotional conflicts by providing the spiritual, physiological and psychological support.